Our Process

Build the base model.
We begin by building the base model in 3D based on the client’s 2D drawings or 3D model. Any file type can be imported into our 3D software (CAD, Revit, Sketchup, pdfs, etc.). If drawings or 3D files do not exist, models can be created based on a sketch, or a site visit can be scheduled to take measurements.
This is a good point in the process to establish total renderings needed, preferred camera angles, and finishes to produce a quote

Frame the shot.
Next, we set up cameras and frame the camera view(s) to ensure we are showing the space from a compelling perspective,

Adjust light balance.
After framing the shot, we add lights and ensure proper light balance. At this point, we will deliver low resolution grayscale drafts to the client to confirm camera angle and modeling look good.

Texture all views
The client provides Blue Pixel 3D with material information (flooring, siding, countertops, cabinetry, wall coverings, landscaping, etc.). Whatever the client doesn’t provide, Blue Pixel 3D can fill in the blanks. A color render will be sent to the client for review, and edits will be applied to the model based on client feedback. The client typically sends the rendering back with markups to highlight the changes.

Apply Final Render Settings and Post Production
Finally, we hit the Render button. Final renders usually take hours to produce. Once the render files are produced, they are imported into Photoshop for color correction. Once complete, we'll deliver the large resolution render to the client and make final updates if necessary.